TryHackMe write-up: Blog


This is my write-up for TryHackMe's Blog Room

Using nmap, I saw that this box is running SSH and HTTP and SMB.

Checking for shared SMB folders, I found an interesting one:

I then checked the interesting folder:

I first checked tswift.mp4 but found it to be a spoofed music video. Watch it if you don't believe me.

check-this.png looked promising.  But it turned out to be just a regular barcode, or is it?  Uploading the image file to an online barcode reader, I see that it contained a URL:

Turns out the URL is just a YouTube video:

Lastly, I then checked Alice-White-Rabbit.jpg.  

So it turns out checking the SMB share is indeed a rabbit hole.  

I then proceeded to check the Web Site. (Do note that according to the instructions you need to add the site to your /etc/hosts file to work properly)

Scrolling further down, I find it is running WordPress:

Running wpscan, I find it is running WordPress 5.0.

Another run of wpscan reveals the users.

A 3rd run of wpscan revealed the password for one of the users.


I saw that Metasploit already had a number of available exploits for Wordpress.

Checking the WordPress Crop-Image Shell Upload exploit, I found that it only required the username and password for the site (which I already had!).

Setting the necessary values and running, I got a shell:

Privilege Escalation

Checking for SUID permissions, I found an interesting file:

Checking the properties, I see that it is owned by root:

But simply running it leads nowhere.

Running gdb, I found that it runs getenv function.

According to the man page, this function searches the environment list to find an environment variable name:

So going back to gdb, I needed to check what the function is searching for.  Looking at memory location 0x559ae57c17f4, I find:

Converting these values, I see that what environment variable it is searching for.

From the disassembled code, I see that it only checks for the presence of the environment variable.  It does not matter the type (whether integer, string, etc).  So I can just export a variable and run the program. 

And I got root privileges!

And the flags can be found here:

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